These pipe cleaner flowers were a simple and easy craft that I used to make during quarantine in 2020. It requires 2 of the same color pipe cleaners (petals), as well as a yellow (pistil) and green pipe (stem) cleaner.
Step 1: Grab one of the petal colors and make 2 loops with a little excess at the bottom (as seen in the photo).
Step 2: Twist the excess around the bottom part of the loops (as seen in the photo).
Step 3: Repeat the 2 first steps.
Step 4: Take the 2 petal pipe cleaners and use the green pipe cleaner and wrap the green pipe cleaner around the middle of the 2 petals connecting them, with a stem.
Step 5: Twist the 2 excess pieces of the stem and twist them together to make the stem more steady.
Step 6: Take the pipe cleaner that is being used for the pistil of the flower and twist it into a swirl leaving excess at the bottom, then tie it around the petals in the same process as the stem.