Track after high school

Lauren Wiseman, Kylie Houck, Marissa Eckel, Ryan Fair, Emma Perez, India Nichols, and Elle Mehltretter gather for a quick pic after a track meet.

Ryan Fair, Guest Writer

        The Osceola High School 2021 track season has started, and these athletes have already put so much hard work and dedication into their sport, running many miles a week, practicing 5-7 days a week. Will these track athletes continue their running career into college? Or will they pursue another  passion? 

        A  9th  grade  track  athlete,  Elle  Mehltretter,  said, “I’m  not  really  sure  at  the moment about what I’m going to do for college, but if I do get a scholarship for track, I’d definitely take it. Other than that, I plan to either go into IT or law.” Osceola track athletes push themselves to try harder and run faster, beating their personal records as often as they can. 9th grade runner, Emma Perez, said “I’ll continue to run, but I do not see myself doing track when I go to college.” Running may be just a high school experience that some runners may not  turn into  a  college  dedication. 

        Coach Eagleson trains his runners five days a week for two hours a day, pushing them to be the best runner they can be. He makes sure all his athletes are well trained and informed on what they need to be doing to succeed and win races, he may be a tough coach, but he is really dedicated to make sure  all  his  runners  do  well.  He  takes  hours  out  of  his  day  to  make  sure  these  athletes  stay  in running shape. India Nichols, in 9th grade, said, “I don’t plan on going to college for track.  I only do  it  now  for  fun just  for  an  after-school  activity.”  Osceola  has  some  really  advanced  track runners with school records, many medals, and very fast PR’s. Will Stone and Andrea Ballestero have been running for many years training and pushing themselves every day. Will has an Osceola school record for fastest 5k time in cross country and Andrea is making her way to the best of the best. Every day these runners will improve their times and get better every practice.