Senior leads track team to success
Senior Mia Fetner works hard to improve her times.
March 7, 2017
This year’s track season is underway and the Warriors are hoping to live up to the fans’ expectations. With so many events going on at a time during a meet, it’s hard to pay attention to just one athlete.
However, senior track runner and current class president Mia Fetner makes it hard for fans to keep their eyes away from her event. Mia is currently part of the girls 4 by 100 relay team. In the last two meets, Fetner has helped the girls’ team place first in multiple events she has participated in. “I work really hard during practice to make sure I’m competing at the highest level that I possibly can.” This is Mia’s fourth year participating on the Track and Field team and she is one of the team’s most respected members.
Sophomore runner Jaden Celeste believes Fetner is a great leader for younger students. “Mia is a great leader for our team. She works hard and pushes others to do the best they possibly can.”
To be the best Mia trains on her own time. “When I’m at home I do a training with my sister in-law.” She said. “I like to keep active outside of track practice so when we compete in the meets, I am able to compete to the best of my abilities.” Since Mia is a senior this year, she is striving to make sure this is her best season of her high school career. “Before the season started, I told myself I will have fun and compete at the highest level possible to make this the best season of my career.”