Warriors make north county
December 11, 2015
The Warriors have had four players selected to play in the north Pinellas county all-stars versus the south Pinellas county all-stars football game. Those four players are running back Travis Wateska, lineman Robert Mitchell, linebacker Chad Brittain, and cornerback Nick Shytle. The Warriors have only had two or three players selected in the past 2-3 years. “This means a lot to me because I dreamed of being in this game and getting the ring when I was a freshman, but I didn’t think it was possible. Thanks to hard work and dedication, it happened.” said Robert.
The first quarter was good, both teams were going back and forth as the north county scored a touchdown before time ran out, making the score 7-0. The second quarter was a better quarter as the north county scored two more touchdowns making the score 21-0. The third quarter was a great one for Warriors as Travis ran for a touchdown making the score 28-0.
“Scoring that touchdown was all I wanted to do. I wanted to make a statement and show South County who the better running back was and I think I did that Wednesday night,” said Travis. Right before the third quarter ended, Robert decided that he would knock over a ref, but only on accident. “I had the linebacker right in my sight and I was going to take him out and when I did the ref was right behind him and I couldn’t stop myself. When he was getting up he was laughing and we had a good time” said Robert. The fourth was an overall the best quarter for the Warriors as all of them got in the game and played extremely well. The final score of them game came out to be 34-0. “I was happy for them and thought that they played well,” said Coach Palmer.