Warriors tripping out over field trips
One of Mr. Stewart’s former students gave him this painting of his class at the Ringling Museum.
April 7, 2016
Osceola’s students frequently have the opportunity to go on some pretty spectacular field trips. From the Grad Bash trip to Universal, to the trip to the Ringling Museum shortly after that, there are many trips that students can take.
Grad Bash is a time honored tradition that many students in the senior class take a part of. With a night of fun at Universal, the graduating students can ride all of the roller coasters, hit up Harry Potter World, and go to a Kendrick Lamar concert that they could attend especially for Universal’s Grad Bash. Warriors will go on that field trip on April 23rd.
Another exciting field trip that is coming up is the Ringling trip. Students of Mr. Stewart’s AP art history and Literature and the Arts classes, plus a few extra students, will head to Sarasota for the day to see the John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art. The museum, while famous for hosting art by artists including, but not limited to, Peter Paul Rubens and Diego Valasquez, is not just limited to art. There is the Bayfront Gardens, the playground, the Ca’d’zan, which is the mansion that the Ringling family lived in, the circus museum that has acts from the circus that students can act out, and the miniature scaled version of the circus. The Ringling Field trip is taking place in April 29th.
“I’m going on both field trips,” said Teagan Redferring, 12th grade. “I’m really excited for both of them. I went on the Ringling trip last year and it was really pretty there. And I’m really excited to spend the day at Universal with my friends.”