On Monday, January 27th, the All-Occasion Warrior Express Delivery Service began taking pre-orders. They will be delivered on Friday, February 14th, also known as Valentine’s Day. Some quick history on Valentine’s Day is that it started in the 14th century. For those who didn’t know, Valentine’s Day is an annual celebration of romance, friendship and admiration. The balloon bouquets cost $3, and you can add a gnome plushie for an additional $3 and there are also candy bags that can be added for $1.
ESE Teacher Ms. Randolph, said, “We have just started this business this year and we have been doing good this year so far.” The best place to buy is the Snore No More coffee café window in the lunchroom. They are being sold during lunch one and lunch two. According to Ms. Randolph, the money is going to help imp0rove their program. “The money is going toward improving our program.” Ms. Randolph also said that the money would be going towards improving the secret garden and checking off other classroom needs.
Ms. Randolph thinks that they have done a good job for their first year. She said that they “have sold twenty-three candy bars” along with “sixteen gnome plushies.” They have also “sold thirty-one balloon bouquets so far.”
Echo Medford, 9th grade, has not bought a balloon bouquet yet, but is planning on it. She said, “I am thinking about buying one.” Another student, Anderson Murch, 12th grade, believes that the money is “a good way to raise money for the school.”