Recently several students have said that their water bottles have been stolen while they’re using the restroom. Since some students do not want to take their water bottles in with them into the stall, they are being left unattended outside on the sink or floor.
SRO Funk said, “There has been an increase of students leaving their water bottles unattended in various places that include bathrooms. Several times when students have retuned, the bottle has been missing and they automatically assume they are stolen.”
Katherine Koziakov, a student who has reported her water bottle missing, left hers in the bathroom for a couple minutes after school and when she went back, it was gone. She says that her and the SROs have “looked at the cameras of people going in and out of the bathroom, and they said it’s hard to track down when a lot of students have Stanleys.”
Madelyn Shimkus, another student whose water bottle has gone missing from the bathroom, says, “I am upset because it took me a while to find this Stanley, and I really want to know who has it.”
Ms. Sirabella, Student Services Clerk, said she has not seen many Stanleys come through lost and found lately, but many students have stopped by asking if she has their lost bottles. She said there has been “only one within a few weeks.” SRO Funk said students should mark their water bottles with their name so if they are found they can get returned to them. Likewise, Ms. Sirabella advises students to be responsible with their personal items and to write their names with sharpies somewhere on their water bottles to help with identification.