Spring break is springing into action as Warriors prepare for the week off

March 9th- Students enjoy a week off for spring break.

Hadia Behish and Janie Topping

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the flowers are blooming everywhere. Spring break is right around the corner! Many students have been waiting for this week off ever since winter break. During spring break, many students plan to spend their time off in different ways.  One 9th grader said, “I will be going on vacation to a cruise to an island and the Bahamas.” Other students plan to use this free week just to chill, sleep in, and enjoy their time off. Sara Sareeb, 9th grade, said, “During spring break, I’ll probably just relax. I’ll probably just hang out with friends and family, go out, and of course, catch up on Netflix.” Other Warriors feel like they can use this break to help them with their mental health. Nieve Snow, 9th grade, said, “It gives us time to relax and not stress about school for a little while.”  Having school off can help students get themselves back on track even if it’s something as simple as their bedtime schedule. Sara said, “I think spring break is necessary because it allows kids to get a break from school. We all get so stressed and exhausted from schoolwork and especially after the third quarter. Spring break is a good time to just relax and take a break.” St. Patrick’s Day is happening over spring break as well. Students will take the opportunity to celebrate. With spring break rolling around the corner, students feel like they can use this break to help them plan for the upcoming summer as well. Ayaa Mouzahem, 9th grade, said, “I feel like I will be using this break to gather my family and make plans for the summer because we will be all together.”