As picture day moves on, new opportunities arise

Mark calendars for December 10.

Avery Latto, Staff Writer

     Although picture day is over, many students did not get their photo taken this past week. If they missed their  opportunity  to  snap  their  photo,  retakes  will  be  available  December  10th.  These  pictures  can  be bought from Leonard’s, either with the forms given in class, or on the Leonard’s website. Online students may come to the school through the front office during the school day  or make an appointment with Mrs. Deatley by emailing her at [email protected]  for after-school times. Pictures are also featured in the yearbook, whether they are taken during retakes or were taken on the original picture day. On retake day, students can go to the auditorium during their English/Language Arts class. Retakes are more important than ever this year. With many online students this year, picture day becomes inconvenient for many. Finding transportation to school and back during the school day may make picture day less accessible to students. Especially since some students miss class due to this. As a result, many did not attend picture day this year.  

     On  another  note,  many skipped picture days this  year  to show  their  school  spirit. Picture  day  occurred during spirit week this year, leading students to dress for the occasion. On Friday, the last day of spirit week,  many  showed  off  their  white,  blue,  and  orange.  While  seniors  were  given  the  opportunity  to  wear togas, or black. Bright colors filled the school, and while some decided to still take their photos in their school spirit, others skipped. On  occasion,  some  may  have  forgotten  to  dress  for  the  occasion.  Others  may  not  particularly  like  their photo originally taken. Whatever the case is, if students would like their photo re-taken, they may go to the auditorium December 10th. Picture day is available throughout the entire school day for 9-11 grades.