Flippin’ pages

Ms. Deatley is distributing yearbooks before and after school.

Azalee Nelson, Writer and web editor

If you ordered a yearbook, head to Ms. Deatley’s room #166.  You have to show an ID to prove it is you. You can do that by logging into Portal, or by showing a physical card ID. Someone will be there to get your yearbook for you. Seniors will receive their yearbooks first, after will be juniors and so forth.  Yearbook members are pleased with the outcome of their product.

Editors-in-Chief Taylor Johnson and Madi Coissart, 12th grade, were “most proud of the improvement from last year to this year in the quality of content.” A lot of students have already received their yearbooks and given their feedback on it to the editors.

“Some people do not like the bright yellow color because it is not a school color, but otherwise do like it and it goes with the book theme colors,” said Kirrin Opiela, 11th grade. “I wouldn’t change anything about the book. I like how our pages turned out and the look of this year’s colors.”

Some yearbook editors plan on going into yearbook class again in the fall to make a brand new book for the next generation of Warriors. “Next year I will be an editor again and hope to make the book even better next year,” said Kirrin Opiela.


List of yearbook days