Back to the ’80s at the Sadie Hawkins
Students danced on the stage in the theater while popular 80’s songs were playing.
March 9, 2017
On March 3rd, a Sadie Hawkins dance was held in the auditorium. The theater hosted this event and the ticket sales were going to help Troupe 3507 go to the Florida State Thespian Festival. The dance had an ’80s theme and ’80s music was played along with trivia contests and fill in the sing lyrics contests. There were even some dance battles.
Mr. Pace, the theater teacher, explained why the dance had an ’80s theme. “We decided to do an ’80s dance because there’s a really great selection of songs from that era that are fun to dance to and we’re hoping to have more of a dance party feeling for Sadie’s”. Also, students were encouraged to dress in ’80s fashion or thrift. There were many students all decked out in ’80s clothes, from leg warmers to scrunchies and some girls even crimped their hair.
Sierra Sharp, 10th grade, said, “I would have to say that my favorite part [of the dance] was being able to hang out some of my closest friends and be able to be ourselves and not have to worry about what others will think”. Cameron Lemery, 10th grade, helped to organize and set-up the dance. He said that his “favorite part about being able to help organize the Sadie Hawkins dance was making the playlist for the dance itself. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to collaborate with a few other of my classmates and put together a playlist that the whole group enjoyed”.
The event was also a Sadie Hawkins dance which is where the girls ask the guys to the dance instead of guys asking girls. Mr. Pace says that they reason they did a Sadie Hawkins dance is because “Sadie Hawkins has been a long dance tradition. Back in ye olden days of gender stereotypes, it was a really big thing for the girls to be able to ask out the guys and choose their partners for the dance”. The theatre had hopes “that by mixing things up a little it might create some opportunities for the girls to embarrass the guys in public with some cute and disgusting Sadie’s proposals”.
The tickets for the dance were $5 and all of the proceeds went to helping Troupe 3507. Mr. Pace said that the dance was the “last fundraising event for the year to help support the students attending the Florida State Thespian Festival over spring break in March. All of the ticket sales go to help them pay their registration fees and bus costs to ensure that we have an amazing four days of competition, workshops, and shows. We are excited to have 46 students going this year, our largest group ever”.
The dance was the first Sadie Hawkins dance that has been held by the theater. Mr. Pace hopes that it will not be the last. “We would love to make this an annual event”, Mr. Pace stated. We “are talking about if we’d like to change things up from year to year by making it a different decade or theme each time”.