Honor Societies collect donations
Toys collected from NHS are stored in Mrs. Ferguson’s room.
December 1, 2016
As the December holidays approach, several clubs and honor societies will conduct collections for those in need. One of the groups that will be hosting a collection is the National English Honor Society. Their charity of choice is the Sally House. As Dr. Herzhauser explained, “The Sally House is a Salvation army subsidiary, because they shelter children in emergencies”. The English Honor Society collects books for the children at the Sally House, and will continue the donation until December 5th. The types of books being collected are mostly for the older children, yet any style of book will be accepted. All of the books are being stored in Dr. Herzhausers’ room. Dr. Herzhauser says the need is urgent. “When the children are removed from their homes, they barely have clothes with them. A book gives them an opportunity to escape into the world of imagination and gives them a safe place to rest their minds and hearts”. In addition to the English Honor Society, the National Honor Society will be collecting toys for families throughout Pinellas County. The toy drive will be collecting toys for the ages 2-14, and will be collected until December 12th. Donations will be collected by Mrs. Ferguson or can be placed in holiday-wrapped boxes in the cafeteria and outside the auditorium. Ferguson said, “All of the donations will be taken to the Marine Corps, and they will distribute it among the Pinellas County families”. The Marine Corps has partnered with Osceola for almost twenty years. These societies are collecting donations for charities and “hope for a big turnout this year’ as Ferguson explained.