Some Warriors gasped at the morning announcements today that officially ended the era of sweatpants and jeggings here at OHS. Some students really don’t like the ruling because they say it further suppresses student freedoms.
“It’s stupid that they treat us like kids and tell us what to wear and what’s comfy,” said Kristan Manning, 12th grade.
Other students feel that some parts of the new dress code will be a bit tougher to enforce.
“I don’t think the jeggings part of it will be enforced too much. It is kind of hard to tell the difference between jeggings and jeans,” said Jade Payne, 12th grade.
According to OHS Principal Mr. Bohnet, these rules have been in effect since the beginning of the school year for the whole county. He added, “We have been getting complaints from teachers and parents about underwear and boxers showing.”