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The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

Warriors head off to Early College

Samantha Uplinger
Students can visit the College & Career Center or their guidance counselor to learn more about the Early College Program.

St. Petersburg College offers a program that allows students to start college in 11th grade, and graduate with a high school diploma and college degree. This is called the Early College Program (ECP). In this program, students attend the SPC campus full-time, instead of attending the OFHS campus. However, they will still be enrolled at OFHS, so they can still participate in extracurriculars and events, such as school dances. Through ECP, the student is simultaneously earning both their high school diploma and Associate of Arts (AA) degree. In simple terms, they graduate high school with their AA degree. To be accepted into this program, students must have at least a 3.0 GPA and must meet testing requirements on their PSAT/SAT, Digital PSAT/SAT, ACT, and/or PERT. Then, the student will be entered into a lottery system with other applicants.

Mrs. Long, head of the College & Career Center, said, “Students should weigh their pros and cons. If you’re super involved in your high school, the program may not be the best choice for you. But if you’re ready for college, it’s a great opportunity.” She also mentioned that it takes a certain level of maturity, but it’s up to the student to make the decision for themself. “However, it’s a great opportunity because you can earn college credit while in high school,” she said.

I know it’s going to be a great experience and allow me to get ahead.

— Jessie Greenlee, 10th grade

Several Warriors will be/are attending SPC through ECP. Sophomore Jessie Greenlee will be starting at SPC in August. She said, “I’m a current dual enrollment student, so I was happy I got into the Early College Program.” She also said, “I know it’s going to be a great experience and allow me to get ahead.” Jessie plans on pursuing a career in the medical field, so this program will allow her to get a head start. Mariah Bentley is a junior who’s already attending SPC through this program. She said, “I really like early college so far. It’s a nice experience and I’m given more time to do my work.” She also mentioned that “Some classes can be stressful, but overall, I think it’s a good experience to have.” Freshman Carly Carbaugh also plans on applying for ECP next year, when she’s a sophomore. She said, “I would like to do early college for the opportunity to get my associate degree, and I think it’ll give me more of a challenge.”


I will also be attending ECP starting August. This program sounds like an amazing opportunity to get a head start in pursuing my career in marine biology. Next spring, I will be able to begin taking science classes at SPC, so I can complete the prerequisites for upper-level marine science classes. I will also be earning college credit toward my AA degree, so I will attain it the same time I graduate high school. This will make applying to colleges/universities easier because I will be applying for my bachelor’s degree, rather than starting from the beginning. I believe this program will give me a significant boost in the pursuit of my dream career. 

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