Alma Mater 


Seniors wanted a normal graduation in 2020.

Katie Torres, Guest Writer

Seniors will hear this song at graduation in just a few weeks.  Just in case students don’t know the words, here’s a quick quiz.

To you dear 1) ________ 

We sing our highest praise  

With joyful strength and duty  

Our voices loud we raise  

To praise you for the 2) ______  

That you do give us all 

To 3) _____ with joy and gladness  

Within your well-loved halls 

To you dear Alma Mater  

We pledge our 4) _________ 

Your 5)_______ dear Osceola 

Our constant aim will be.  


1) a. Osceola             2) a. homework        3) a. sell         4) a. loyalty       5) a. journey                     

     b. Warriors               b. hard work              b. learn           b. hearts            b. life                   

     c. students                c. knowledge              c.  fight           c. soul                 c. Fame                            




1)  a.Osceola 2) c.knowledge 3b.learn 4) a.loyalty 5) c.fame