Oracle hosts writing contest
February 21, 2020
Mr. Sadler, a language arts teacher, runs a literary magazine called The Oracle. The Oracle is assembled by a club that meets Monday at both lunches in Mr. Sadler’s room (210). It publishes student works such as poetry, art, and music. More information can be found on the school’s website under “Clubs and Activities”. The Oracle is currently hosting a writing contest for all OHS students.
“Tesla’s Legacy” is a technology-based story about how technology has changed society. Mr. Sadler said his favorite part of hosting contests like this is “getting to see different student ideas.” He also said he encourages his own students to enter the contest as well.
“Short stories, poetry, or essays dealing with technological themes” may be submitted, as listed on the contest’s flyer. The Oracle is published by the end of April and submissions are due March 4th with a cover letter.