FBLA students smash their way into NYC
October 17, 2019
Mrs. Thompson, business teacher and leader of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), is hosting a trip to NYC for the students of FBLA, which will last from February 15th to February 19th of 2020. Jeremiah Webb, 12th grade, is hosting a Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament on October 17th. Webb, and two other members of the FBLA who are going, believe this will be a good way to raise money for the trip. They must raise $1500 per person, but the total price will vary due to some certifications that students can obtain to make it cheaper for themselves. The three hosts of the tournament estimate that they will make around $100 from this event. It will be held in the OFHS library from 3 PM to 6 PM. The grand prize for the winner has not been finalized yet, but will include four free movie tickets at Studio Movie Grill at Seminole, and some items from two other companies that have not been specified yet. Webb says that they chose to host this event because it’s a fun game, everyone can have fun, and they can raise money for their trip. Click here for the link to the website where you can sign up for the event. If you need more information, the contact information for one of the hosts is on that page, as well as locations, rules, times, etc.
The event will be in the OFHS library after school on Thursday, October 17th.